Entry bell to class

The English version of Abdellah Khammar's novel

 Djaras Eddoukhoul Ila El-hissa


The events of the novel take place in a high school in Algiers at the beginning of the seventies. The characters are Algerian, Arab and Western teachers. Their cultures and their temperaments and attitudes vary from moderation to extremism.

Naturally, professional relations do not prevent them from forging bonds of friendship and love, and sometimes those of hatred because of linguistic, ideological and racial conflicts.

The reader can follow three passionate love stories between main characters, an Algerian young man, a French young girl, an Egyptian young man and an Algerian young girl, presented in a simple way. These stories reflect, in a way, human relations among peoples. They also raise the question of the success of mixed marriage.

The novel severely criticizes the method of teaching Arabic compared to other languages. It also describes two conflicting methods in the Algerian school administration.

In the end, the novel evokes the cultural atmosphere of the time. It gives the reader some examples of domestic and foreign cultural centers activities specially those of Egypt, France and also the British Council.


To read the chapters of this novel click here: Entry bell to class


To see the chapters of this novel in Arabic click here:   جرس الدّخول إلى الحصّة

La version originale du roman: